April 28, 2010

More Thanks and More Pictures

Because I posted so many surgery updates yesterday, my earlier post thanking all of the wonderful people Ayden had met so far got pushed off the front page too quickly.  The thanks they deserve bears repeating, so I will reiterate myself for a bit, while adding in a few extra folks.  After all that, clicking on the "read more" link below will take you to the full post.  There you will find pictures of Ayden that I took today.  Be warned: he is not covered with a blanket in these pictures, so you will see all of the tubes going in and out of him, how swollen he is (from the shoulders up he looks like a sumo wrestler), and the dressing that is covering his still open chest.  They are not the cute little baby pictures that you have seen to this point, so view at your own risk.

But first, the thanks.  Special thanks goes out to:

  • All of his doctors and nurses, for taking such great care of him.  Sarah got him through those first couple nights, Katrina helped him survive a couple rough days, Kandy (who also prayed over him) and Kelly kept him stable over the weekend, English pounded the pavement for him in ways that we couldn't, and, of course, Dr. Bichell brought him through the surgery and continues to monitor his status.  As I said before, these individuals, and others, went above and beyond the scope of their jobs to take care of Ayden.
  • Julie, our social worker, for taking such great care of us.  She kept me in line about calling the Ronald McDonald House when I had 5,135 other things on my mind (I counted).  She also advocated for Ayden in ways that we could not.
  • Our parents, for coming from up to 14 hours away to support us, feed us, transport us, clothe us, and just be with us as we go through this.  Despite being out of town, they were all here hours before Ayden was born.
  • Everyone at Grace Chapel, from Jim and Jonathan coming to pray for him to our Cheers group just coming to spend time with us yesterday (on top of all the praying they have been doing for many months now), to everyone else who has expressed their support, through prayer or otherwise.  I know there was a group that was praying him through his surgery yesterday.  Thank you.
  • Phil and Elise deserve separate mention from the Grace Chapel group.  One or the both of them has been here almost every day since Allison went into labor.  Elise was here before six that morning after not having gone to bed until after one.  We love you guys.  Y'all are awesome.
  • All of our friends and family who have called, texted, or visited over the last week.  We are grateful for your love, support, and prayers.
  • All of the other members of Ayden's Army - including everyone at BA - who have been praying for him, some of whom Allison and I don't even know.
We remain eternally humbled by and grateful to all of you (and anyone who I inadvertently neglected to mention).  Thank you.  Again.


Now, on to the pictures.


  1. I am continuing to pray for Ayden and you both everyday (many times a day)... Considering what his body has been thru especially the last few days I think he looks pretty good! I know he is a lil fighter. Stay strong and keep praying!

  2. Ayden is so very blessed to have such a strong army fighting along with him. We will continue to join his parents, extended family and friends to storm the throne room of our Lord pleading for this boy. These days are trying, we understand that all too well after 2 babies with heart conditions, but God is still good. He has, does and will always care for His children (including His covenant children like Ayden). Grace and peace to you all! The Chandlers


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